The Neuro-Scripted Narratives Inside Your Brain

Every experience you have ever encountered has been neurally hard-wired into the fat between your ears. Experiences encountered frequently are absorbed by the subconscious realm of neuro-circuitry, often requiring no conscious effort at negotiating, resulting in the routine aspects of life being easily and effortlessly managed without even a second thought (like driving a car, using a fork or knife, brushing your teeth, etc).

Since birth, external experiences have sculpted internal brain pathways, while additional circuits were constructed to weave narratives or stories explaining the external experiences encountered. 

There are many stories wired-up inside your cranium and these stories make up your "ego-self" and determine your identity as a 'person.' The stories determine your present values, preferences, addictions, opinions, morals, character defects, etc, but also bundles of stories from past experiences of joy and happiness, trauma and pain, guilt and shame, have changed and influenced your values, preferences, etc, in an ever fluid sculpting of your 'self.' Stories are often weaved from other stories which are superimposed onto other stories, thereby, creating stories of their own and sometimes we choose the stories developed by other people to direct our lives (religion, politics, etc), altering those stories to facilitate other stories we hold dear.

Your "ego-self" is but an author continually developing and editing stories and your life is nothing more than a fluctuating attachment and detachment to the stories wired up in your brain, maintained by the emotional fuel that either dissolves a story or makes it burn hotter.

As you advanced in age and experiences accumulated, subsequently developing stories to explain those experiences, many circuits were pruned and redirected, causing the stories to change. Due to brain neuroplasticity, stories can change with new experiences or from the choice to dissolve specific stories by constructing newer more realistic versions.

Problems occur when neuro-scripted storylines become rigidly locked-in, concretized, solidified, fixated and obsessional, filtering out data that might allow for alterations, additions and subtractions and, thereby, directing behavior in ways that are unhealthy, compulsive and even self-destructive. If those stories are NOT oriented to actual reality, dysfunctional behaviors may be the result, causing emotional pain, physiological symptoms and discordant relationships.

Your stories are your truth, but sometimes the stories can be distorted and unhealthy. Stories can become 'delusional' and entirely estranged from reality and it's the story that determines your orientation and, thus, interaction with reality. Delusional stories are sometimes so powerful that they completely edit data that could negate the delusional story, resulting in the potential for destructive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

A brain hard-wired for chemical and behavioral addictions filters external and internal data that could clearly show the self destructive nature of the behaviors, because the reward pathways, the dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, glutamate, feel-good circuits, have been electro-chemically magnified beyond normal proportions. A brain hard-wired from trauma can also be oriented to engage reality from trauma circuits, just as a brain hard-wired for anxiety or depression will unconsciously conform their stories to that orientation.

There is much debate on what Socrates actually meant by that quote. Yet, if you do not fully and deeply examine the stories and narratives that shape your life and who you are as a person, you may become victimized to a life lived on 'autopilot,' imprisoned in subconscious motivations that continue to generate emotional duress, causing dysfunctional choices that impair relationships and erode life quality.

Any thoughts/feelings that become habitual generate habitual reactions to the world. If those reactions are unhealthy, you will consistently feel confused and exasperated from making the same bad choices over and over again. Such is the nature of a hard-wired subconscious in control of conscious thought processes and rarely questioned or even acknowledged by the intention oriented conscious mind

Mastering your stories is crucial to emotional stability and improved quality of life and means identifying, examining and replacing the irrational and unrealistic stories about yourself, others and the world, that over many years have become knee-jerk responses hard-wired in the subconscious.

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