You Have No Right to Rage

Anger is a scripted voice in your head that has nothing to do with what's outside your head, but everything to do with the crazy notions you project and superimpose upon what's outside your head.

But those notions are ideas that you thought up and they rarely have anything to do with what's really occurring.

You made them up and you could just as easily make them any way you want...

...but no... you feel justified in your road rage, because that guy cutting you off becomes no different than somebody putting a gun to your head with the express purpose of pulling the trigger and so, you quickly inform yourself that you have a right to your rage.

Your anger at me is owned by you and is entirely your responsibility. 

It doesn't belong to me, but belongs to how you interpret me (those scripted messages constantly playing out between your ears) and I have no choice in your decision to anger, which you made based on countless variables that I am not privy to because those variables exist in your brain and have nothing to do with me and most are simply leftovers from childhood experiences of belittling, bullying, neglect, abandonment, abuse, etc, etc.

If I come at you with knife in hand and a clear intent to do you harm, then you have every right to engage anger as a means of survival.

That was it's purpose as an emotion! 

Anger was a servant of survival and necessary to a cruel existence as part of the "flight or fight" mechanism in the deepest part of your mammalian brain.

Anger at the guy who cut you off in traffic, is a maladaptive modern rendition, demanding that traffic violations become comparable to the drooling saber toothed tiger preparing to eat you and your need to quickly engage internal mechanisms to avoid becoming dinner.

The fact that you often refuse to consider is that reality is what it is and your rage about how it should be changes nothing. So what's the point of your anger? 

Raging over your kids not showing gratitude to your loving beneficence has nothing to do with survival and only insures you years of seeking to rationalize away your guilt and remorse over acting like a damn fool for so many years, resulting in wounded relationships with loved ones that deny healing and a stress related early grave, due to your state of constant emotional contraction, which eventually affects you physically.

Repetitive episodes of anger/anxiety (anger is anxiety projected outward) on a daily basis, is the leading cause of death. Make no mistake, if stress is the chief precursor to physical malfunctions (how about cancer or heart disease?), then you can be certain that the consistent embracing your "justified" anger is the kiss of death.

Ask yourself, "does it matter?" and sincerely question why it matters. 

If it does matter then how much?

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being important to your very survival or the survival of loved ones) where does this fit and how should my thoughts and emotions conform to that fit?

Clearly, 90% of your anger could easily conform to the 1-5 rating on that scale, if you could only see it as such, but you choose to be enraged and that choice insures your psychological slavery to a life of hell.

Your reactive anger is a sign of desperation, insecurity and lack of self-confidence

Anger has no purpose in a complex and complicated post-modern world.

Seek to exorcise it from your brain...

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