A life without purpose is a life vulnerable to crippling addictions and dependencies, because a life without purpose leaves a vacuum that MUST be filled by something simply because "nature abhors a vacuum" and there can never be...'nothing.'
FACT: There is NO reason for you to exist...
The universe/nature is indifferent to your existence, demanding YOUR purpose be exclusively your burden alone. It merely allows the infinite life-giving variables be so aligned as to facilitate your unique existence, yet it has assigned NO purpose to that existence, leaving that entirely up to you.
And here you are....
You live in a universe that allows you to exist, yet makes no determination as to how that existence unfolds and demands the reason for your existence be determined exclusively by YOU.
Have you been up to that task lately?
The current society you have been thrust into (you literally had no choice) allows for the potential to discover your purpose and meaning. Yet, it also allows for disabling distraction from your purpose in cooperation with the fact that the universe is indifferent to any individual purpose. It's only claim to fame is that it allowed you a mind capable of determining purpose and meaning.
Hence, the purpose of "you" is to seek your purpose and fully live out the meaning of that purpose.
If you refuse to seek purpose then, make no mistake, the society you exist in will decide for you and you may find yourself drowning in the numerous arousal addictions (drugs and alcohol, work, internet, money, sex, gambling, entertainment, video games, pornography, food, love, TV, etc, etc, etc) that exist to fill the vacuum that nature abhors. A vacuum that YOU were not created to experience and could NOT experience even if you tried.
The universe/nature has decreed that you cannot experience nothing, demanding you discover something you love and commit to it. Otherwise, the choice will be made for you.
Your purpose need NOT be grand, monumental or magnanimous, requiring great feats of strength or prolonged tests of endurance. The purpose of your life may be something quite small and simple, but it must be meaningful to YOU. There will always be limits to what can be done based on the limits your unique existence imposes upon you, but your purpose and meaning must be determined within the confines of those limitations and may even be the catalyst for expanding beyond those limitations.
"Alan Watts - What am I Supposed to do in Life"
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