REJECTION: "Disobey Your Fears"

"Don't even bother trying to be cool," Jason says. "Just get out there and get rejected, and sometimes it's going to get dirty. But that's OK, 'cause you're going to feel great after, you're going to feel like, 'Wow. I disobeyed fear.' " LINK

The progressive fear of rejection can paralyze action and inevitably result in a life of chronic disappointment over years of missed opportunities due to fear of rejection.

Rejection avoidance, from Chronic disappointment due to episodes of rejection, can intensify into symptoms of social anxiety leading to isolative behaviors that eventually result in neurochemically depressed mood, more pronounced symptoms of social anxiety (social phobias) and addictive behaviors that require a solitary existence.

Make no mistake, your brain will become hard-wired to habitual behaviors, making change more difficult, depending on how long a habit has been reinforced through repetition.

Isolative/reclusive behaviors from a constant fear of rejection can become addictive behaviors that reinforce continued isolation, i.e, video games, pornography, Netflix, TV, Facebook, drug and alcohol use, etc, etc, that serve to substitute for the possibility of rejection. Engaging in activities that demand social isolation will always have the potential to become an addictive dependency, thereby, reducing the potential of the life giving qualities of your genetically hard-wired need to socially engage with others.

"The opposite of addiction is connection."

Everything You Think About Addiction is Wrong

Make no mistake, your brain is hard-wired to either accept or reject (inhibitory or excitatory neuro-synaptic impulses)

Living your life through a fear of rejection insures a life that is eventually sculpted by avoiding any and all potential for rejection. Yet, a life lived through acceptance will even accept rejection as a vital aspect of that abundance in which rejection in all it's forms only sparks further forward momentum.

Disobey your fears and accept rejection....

To Conquer Fear, A Man Turns Rejection Into A Game

Rejection Therapy Game

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