Do you find yourself worrying about how much you worry, causing you to become depressed which then magnifies your worry?
The frontal lobe is where "you" exist, and nowhere else in the brain can "you" be found. You are right behind the eyes. This is where decisions are made and concepts considered. This is the place of worry.
The rest of the brain serves to keep the body alive and functioning at capacity. It has no awareness of the worry that's taking place just behind your eyes.
The rest of your brain simply does not worry about your worries.
But make no mistake, if you cannot find a way to quiet the frontal lobe, those neural pathways, transmitting the electro-chemical impulses of worry, will branch out into other parts of the brain that control your body and your body will experience malfunctions and symptoms will manifest, only intensifying your worry and thereby, ramping up the symptoms.
Worry is merely the resistance to 'what is' and your frontal lobe is hard-wired for that function (negativity bias) and it is also hard-wired for you to resist it's resistance.
But what would happen if you no longer resisted its resistance?
"Leave your mind will quiet itself."
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