Maintaining Frame...

A solid Frame is what you must work to acquire as well as maintain.

Frame is ever changing and always in process. It demands you acknowledge and work through your insecurities. It sets boundaries and provides consequences when those boundaries are breached.

Frame must be solid and strong. A weak Frame is easily manipulated, victim to chronic stress and addictions.

Frame is the self-confidence that comes from self-respect and the goal is to make your Frame solid through increased self-respect. A solid Frame accepts depression, anxiety, anger or guilt, and works with it and through it. A solid Frame does not react, but responds. A solid Frame solves problems, is realistic, rational and logical.

Frame is in control of emotion at all times, especially anger. Uncontrollable anger demonstrates a weak Frame. A weak Frame fails at interpersonal relationships and fails significantly with intimate relationships.  The fact that cannot be denied is that if you are not respected, you cannot be loved (except by your mother, God bless her soul).

Being vulnerable does not indicate a weak Frame, but if that vulnerability is manipulated by another, a solid Frame provides consequences, because respect is paramount.

A solid Frame is attractive and attains the respect of others, because it demonstrates psychological, emotional and behavioral control (the essential factors of success in any endeavor).

A solid Frame exudes self-confidence and the capacity to effectively handle all crises, difficulties, problems, etc. A solid Frame is relied on and never taken advantage of by others.

Work on your frame. Identify the addictions that impair and weaken your Frame. Locate the irrational beliefs, dysfunctional behaviors and character defects that make your Frame weak and engage the process of restoring a solid Frame.

Frame is holistic. It encompasses all aspects of your life. It requires healthy habits, internally and externally, physically, mentally and emotionally, that support a solid Frame.

A strong, solid Frame will hold up under any and all circumstances and will stand the test of time.

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