When every day is an emergency (Robert Sapolsky), stress accumulates through hormonal and neurochemical imbalances, physiological symptoms increase in intensity. When every day is an emergency, you disconnect from the circadian rhythm of natural life and chronic inflammation ravages your organs. When every day is an emergency, thyroid and adrenal functioning, due to constant fight or flight messages (fear), become erratic resulting in bouts of paralysing fatigue in which you consume energy drinks resulting in sugar spikes and crashes, with more fatigue, until natural sleep cycles become damn near impossible.
"We turn on the exact same stress response [as the zebra running from a lion] for purely psychological states. It's thinking about the ozone layer, the taxes coming up, mortality rates, 30 yr mortgages, we turn on the same stress response [as the zebra] and the key difference there is, we're not doing it for a real physiological reason [physical survival] and we're doing it nonstop. After awhile, the stress response is more damaging than the stressor itself, because the stressor is some psychological nonsense that you're falling for. No zebra on earth, running for its life, would understand why fear of speaking in public would cause you to secrete the same hormones, that it's [secreting] in that moment to save it's life." - Robert Sapolsky
When every day is an emergency cortisol levels rise, resulting in a constant sense of agitation with epinephrine/adrenaline spikes we refer to as panic attacks. When everyday is an emergency, bile and digestive enzymes fail to secrete properly resulting in bowel irregularities, excess acid, excretory dysfunction and irritable bowel syndrome. When every day is an emergency there's no time to eat healthy food, so gulping down fast, processed crud results in dietary stress and a royally screwed up gut microbiome (digestive bacteria), in which Candida overgrowth has starved out good gut bacteria, resulting in chronic inflammation.
When every day is an emergency thought processes become muddied with brain fog and memory lacks recall, focus is impeded, motivation lags and constant nagging agitation results in chronic conflict with loved ones. When every day is an emergency just getting out of bed, even after 8-9 hrs of sleep can be a test of endurance, so you down 4 cups of sugar infused caffeine which immediately stimulates the adrenal glands, generating hyper alertness, but eventually resulting in adrenal fatigue. When every day is an emergency, the world and other people seem hazy, like in a dream. and derealization/dissociation become frightening unwanted interpretations of reality. When everyday is an emergency, cortisol receptors in the gut begin to store abdominal fat and no matter how hard you exercise...it doesn't leave.
When every day is an emergency, you may gradually come to believe "I'm losing my mind" or "I'm going crazy." You will undergo testing and no abnormalities will show up. You will be sent to specialists, i.e, psychiatrists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, etc., but they understand only their speciality and will fail to see that your emergency has become systemic to the entire body, one precarious physiological system affecting another precarious system resulting in the slow, ever compounding destruction of the body's precious homeostasis or balance. You're off. Way off...not just in one place, but everywhere.
When every day is an emergency, high cortisol levels in the blood stream begin to destroy brain cells and cause neurochemical imbalances. When every day is an emergency you go to the doctor to find out what's wrong and he prescribes antidepressants and antianxiety pills, thereby, failing to identify the cause and merely mask the symptoms, until they break through again, which they must, because every day is an emergency. When every day is an emergency, moods become erratic and you become frustrated because you have no idea why you keep feeling this way. Toxic relationships, interactional conflicts, chronic distrust, hate and resentment make every day an emergency and there will be a price to pay, not just mentally, but systemically throughout the entire body.
When every day is an emergency, the body begins to attack itself, resulting in autoimmune disorders and every year a new disorder is identified. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and "mental illness" statistics rise every year because everybody's living as if every day were an emergency. If you note within yourself a nagging sense of impending doom, recognize you have been living every day as an emergency. If nothing ever seems right and you are never good enough, then every day is an emergency.
Make no mistake, every time you think "emergency!" the brain signals the body to prepare for attack, as if the lion were chasing you in an attempt to make you dinner. If you hate your job, fight with your spouse, scream at your kids, easily take offense, get angry (fight or flight) at the slightest provocation, perseverate and dwell over the smallest affront, then every day is an emergency. If you chronically worry about the uncertainty of the future, find it impossible to sit still for any appreciable amount of time (because of the thoughts in you head), consume excess amounts of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, then every day is an emergency. If you expect others to make you happy, when they obviously can't because of the emergency you're experiencing, demand your world be a perfect place, etc, the brain signals the body that there's an emergency and the body assumes protective measures...on and off, up and down, peace and conflict, sympathetic and parasympathetic, fight or flight, every day, all day long, even in sleep, the brain and body recognize that there is an emergency.
The only difference is that the emergency is a hypothetical construct of your frontal cortex and, hence, the emergency was never real. You made it up...
"Chronic stress increases the activity level and number of neural connections in the amygdala, your brain's fear center and as levels of cortisol rise, electric signals in your hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with learning, memory and stress control, deteriorate. Cortisol can literally cause your brain to shrink in size." TED-EdMake no mistake, when every day you bust your arse to get as much done as you can and then become frustrated that you missed the quota, you're living everyday as an emergency and eventually there will be a price to pay because stress doesn't ebb and flow...it accumulates. Building and accelerating in symptoms, it's embrace becomes tighter with each passing day, until it, literally, squeezes the life out of you.
RECOVERY: Inflammation nation...
ADRENAL FATIGUE: Drowning in a sea of stress...
CRISIS JUMPING: Got recovery?
EMOTIONAL TRAIN WRECK: Accelerating for impact...
DEPRESSION: Brain-Gut connection (or the bugs in your body)